Wonderduck Twister Motion Duck Decoy is one of the best motion decoys ever invented. It is designed to give you excellent sight motion from its paddling feet or rotating paddle, tremendous water motion from the 500 rpm motors and maximum body motion. On top of all that it is totally weedless. This motorized motion decoy can be used with a variety of wing, foot and paddle attachments, giving you water motion, decoy motion, and sight motion all at the same time.
The most important features of this decoy is the rapid erratic body motion. The way a duck tells the difference between a duck and a decoy is by the motion. If the body moves it is a duck, if the body does not move it's a decoy. Twister is designed to spin around in a circle like a dog chasing its tail once every 2 to 2 1/2 seconds, however the rate of spin can be adjusted by moving the paddling feet inward or outward. Wonderduck Super Twister creates four to five times more motion than the original Wonderduck.
Wonderduck Twister Mallard Drake Motorized Duck Decoy